Welcome to the Victorian Rocketry Association

The Victorian Rocketry Association is a club dedicated to flying rockets for hobby and amateur enthusiasts. We are a chapter of the global Tripoli Rocketry Association.  Our members come from diverse backgrounds and interests, but are united by their interest in building and launching rockets  

We operate under strictly controlled safety codes, in approved aviation airspace, and are insured for our activities.

We hold regular launches at our Serpentine launch site, and hold social events and presentations several times each year. We also mentor and support university engineering student teams from around Australia.

Visitors and families are welcome at our launches to learn more about rocketry.  Information about our upcoming launches and social events can be found on the Events page. To attend a launch or other event, you must order a ticket to that event. Entry to the event is only possible if you have registered in advance.

Click on the Blog menu to view photos and information about our recent club launches and other events.  

Come fly with us! 


Serpentine April 2023 Group Photo


Group photo by David Wilkins

The Victorian Rocketry Association Inc. is an incorporated association in the state of Victoria, Australia.



Serpentine Launch - 18th August 2024

  • Serpentine Launch Site
  • 18-08-2024
  • 10:00 – 16:00

The launch window will be open between 10am and 4pm. The flyers briefing will begin at 10am an... More Details

Serpentine Launch - 7th September 2024

  • Serpentine Launch Site
  • 07-09-2024
  • 10:00 – 16:00

The launch window will be open between 10am and 4pm. The flyers briefing will begin at 10am an... More Details

Pub Social - Saturday 7th September

  • Bridgewater Hotel Loddon River
  • 07-09-2024
  • 18:00 – 20:00

Join us for an informal pub social night at the Bridgewater Hotel after our working bee. We reque... More Details