Victorian Rocketry Association
powered by TidyHQSerpentine 2 Day Launch - 15th and 16th April
Serpentine 2 Day Launch - 15th and 16th April
What a weekend. Our annual 2 Day launch at Serpentine had amazing support with 117 registered to attend Saturday, 67 for the club dinner Saturday evening and 77 attending the launch on Sunday. It was great to see 24 flyers and friends travel from South Australia and a smaller contingent from NSW.
The range was looking in fabulous condition and we were able to set up and cater for the large numbers on the open fields as they had not yet been sown with seed.
Unfortunately the weather was not looking terrific with the possibility of showers at times over the weekend.
We saw some great launches through until mid afternoon when light rain forced the end of the session. This did not dampen the spirits of all who attended the dinner at the Bridgewater Pub. Light rain continued through most of the night but the morning improved with blue sky and partial clouds. We thought that a ferry system would be required to get flyers back to the Flight Line along the now muddy farm tracks. However everyone was able to travel safely in their own vehicles
adjacent to the impassable track which then dried completely within a couple of hours.
Sunday progressed without interruption to flying. The strong breeze all day meant that some recoveries involved long walks. Congratulations to the many Level 1 and 2 Certifications which included quite a few from the enthusiastic and overjoyed SA crew. The award for the day went to our President, Isaac who's hybrid J245 rocket reached 2,000 feet before landing with the shock cord draped across the pad it launched from and the various rocket components either side!! We believe it contained a homing device!
Andrew from SA conducted a marathon stint as LCO on Sunday. Glenn and Gayle arranged all the catering and along with Melinda and Rob did a massive job setting up and providing for hungry flyers and guests. Thank you!